Snuggling with Smoke

Hello WingHaven! My name is Smoke and I am 2 years old. I live with my mom and dad in WindHaven. I have pretty much lived here all my life and I love it. My mom and dad are great but the best part is all the other little people that come to play with me.

See, I really like to play!  Whether I am cuddling in your neck or wrestling with your arm I love to hang out with people. I have a few cousins that visit quite often and we have the best time! They love to play and I can't ever get enough time with them - sometimes they even spend the night.  We get to cuddle all night when they stay over, this is one of my favorite times.

Other than playing and cuddling with my family I'm kind of a boring cat. I like to lay around a lot, especially in nice sunny spots on the floor. We have a big window in our house and if I lay just right I can see outside. I've never been outside as far as I can remember but I do like to lay around and watch as people and dogs pass by. If I get really lucky a squirrel or some birds will play in the trees in our yard. This can keep me occupied for hours. 

My parents have tried getting me a brother or sister a couple times but to tell you the truth, I kind of like it just being me here. I won't say that they left because of me but I'm glad they decided this wasn't the home for them. I like that I get all the sunny floor spots and all of my parent's attention - I do deserve it of course.

As far as eating I think I eat pretty much the same thing all other cats eat. I'm not picky at all and I definitely like my meal times. Mom and Dad are pretty good about remembering to feed me at the right times, but just in case they forget I can always start scratching the door and meowing. I don't know how, but they know immediately that this means I want to eat.

I'm so glad I get to live in WingHaven with my mom and dad and even though we will probably never meet, please know that I am watching and enjoying you walk by from my very sunny patch of paradise.