B2B Night in the Village - A Chance to Connect

A crowd of nearly 50 enjoyed the recent B2B networking event in the Village

Nearly 50 resident business owners, local Indiana business owners, and Village residents gathered at Hollingsworth Roberts Means' beautiful outdoor courtyard located in the Village of WestClay to network with one another at Stroll’s most recent business-to-business networking event.

The event was co-sponsored by HRM and Dovetail Indy, both advertisers in Stroll magazine, and allowed guests to tour their office spaces and hear from leaders at each organization. 
“We are thrilled to be here in the Village,” said Jeff Roberts, Founding Partner of HRM, a full-service law firm. “If you find yourselves needing legal assistance, we are here for you.”
Dovetail Indy, an interior designer, located in the building beside HRM, actually designed HRM’s office space. When the nearby office space became available, Dovetail Indy moved in. 
“It’s a dream for us to be here in the Village,” said Liz Curtis, co-founder of Dovetail Indy and one of its principal designers. “We used to drive samples around to clients in our cars. We have grown to occupy this beautiful space, where clients can come and visit us, and feel and select from our wide variety of samples.”

The B2B networking event included appetizers, desserts, prizes, and drinks.

“It was a bigger than usual crowd,” said David Lash, CEO of Propeller Heads, the drink sponsor for the event. “It was a really good evening.” 

Heidi Platusic, publisher of Stroll magazine, thanked all of the attendees for coming and recognized the Stroll advertisers in attendance. “Many advertisers have been with Stroll for six, eight, and ten years. It’s been a pleasure to watch your businesses grow over those years and to be your partner.”

Watch your Stroll magazine for more information and make plans to attend the next B2B networking event.