It's A Dog's Life at the Roper's!

Hi, I’m Scout, the Bassett Mix. I have lived with my family for almost 12 years. I was rescued from a kill shelter in Alabama. When my parents adopted me, they knew right away that my name had to be Scout – something about their favorite movie being “To Kill a Mockingbird.” 
When I moved in there were two older boys that took me under their paws. We had 10 great years together until one day, literally the same day, they both had to leave us because of elderly health issues. I missed them but in time got used to being THE ONE AND ONLY. 
In early 2022, our oldest human sister who is a Vet Tech and avid animal rescuer, rescued three 8-week-old Great Pyrenees girls. She found homes for two of them but just couldn’t find a home for number three. She convinced my parents to have her for a sleepover so we could meet each other and, well, that’s Winnie, she is now two. Her name came from the family giving lots of suggestions until Winnie stuck. 
Winnie is sweet AND protective. All day, while lounging at the front window in my recliner, which I think was supposed to be my dad’s Father’s Day gift, all I do is bark once at a passing dog and Winnie comes running crazily barking making sure all know they cannot enter our yard. Once she makes it clear, she bolts out back circling the back yard still barking so they know they can’t come in that way either. It seems dramatic, but I think it has to do with her being a Pyrenees!?
Then came the guy with the green and yellow mohawk. You can guess how life-changing his coming into our family has been! He’s what’s called a foster fail. Part of why he’s a permanent fixture is Winnie’s fault - she was sure he was just for her. Meet Butters our one-year-old Double Doodlepoo. He was named by our youngest sibling, MY boy, who insisted that because we’re called Scootchy Hootchy and Wee Wee, his name also had to be conducive to a body part nickname – Butt Butt it is. I’ve learned that Doodles are bad, funny, bad, loving and very bad (especially to shoes) Yikes!
We do have it pretty good but not sure we’re spoiled – doesn’t every dog get scrambled eggs with ham in their food for breakfast and “cookie time” every night for a sweet treat??  A human friend once told us, “When I die, I want to come back a Roper dog!” Maybe he liked our nicknames!?