Meet Robin Murphy

Since 1996, Robin Murphy, Chief Happy Nest Officer of ChirpChirp, has been keeping Chappaqua residents’ homes spic and span. ChirpChirp launched in 2023 as a sequel company to Maid Brigade, which she opened in 1996.
What prompted Robin to start ChirpChirp? According to her, she has a very detailed mission. “My inspiration for creating ChirpChirp comes from recognizing the profound impact a clean home has on our well-being. With over 27 years in the home cleaning industry, I’ve identified critical areas for modernization and improvement. The pandemic further highlighted the significance of cleanliness for health.
My passion extends beyond the importance of clean spaces. There’s a significant misperception about the housecleaning profession. Often seen as unskilled labor, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Professional housecleaning is a multifaceted job demanding a diverse set of skills. It’s not just about the technical know-how of cleaning but also involves problem-solving, effective communication, and efficient time management. Additionally, housecleaners must embody honesty, dependability, and robust health.
My mission, therefore, extends beyond just providing a cleaning service. It’s about redefining the narrative around housecleaning, elevating the status of housecleaners, and educating the public on the value and skill involved in this essential work. This vision for change is what drives me and my business forward.”
Robin believes six major things set ChirpChirp apart and contribute to their success.
Healthcare Perspective: ChirpChirp views housecleaning as an essential component of healthcare, understanding that a clean home contributes significantly to physical and mental health.
Innovative Cleaning System: They utilize a scientifically advanced cleaning system, incorporating safe and eco-friendly cleaning solutions and state-of-the-art tools, including what she calls “the ‘Tesla’ of vacuum cleaners.” It’s cordless and so quiet that hybrid workers’ and families’ activities aren’t disrupted by noise.
Convenient Scheduling: Recognizing the busy lifestyles of their customers, ChirpChirp offers convenient scheduling options, making it easier for customers to maintain their homes without disrupting their daily routines.
Focus on Employee Wellbeing: ChirpChirp strongly emphasizes the well-being, personal and professional development, and fair compensation of its cleaning professionals. This fosters a positive work environment and ensures the staff is motivated and committed to exceptional service.
Environmental and Social Responsibility: ChirpChirp is dedicated to being environmentally friendly and socially responsible. This commitment is reflected in their choice of cleaning materials, operational practices, and contribution to the community.
Customer Delight and Satisfaction: ChirpChirp’s commitment to excellence in service and its ethical business practices results in a superior customer experience.
Given her years of experience in the industry, Robin’s advice to our readers would be, “Your health is precious, and one of the simplest yet most effective ways to care for it is by maintaining a clean home. This involves more than just tidying up and cleaning surfaces - it means choosing non-toxic cleaning products and being mindful of the air quality in your home.
While many factors impact our health that we can’t control, ensuring our living spaces are clean and healthy is something we can actively manage.”
Since 1990, Robin has lived on-and-off in Chappaqua with her husband and partner, Gary. They have two daughters, Ellie and Iphy, and two dogs, Bear and Bucky. When they aren’t working, she says they are eating, walking, or collaborating on a plan. They even have a pickle stand on Saturdays!
“ChirpChirp is not a conventional cleaning service; we are a community dedicated to creating pristine, healthy homes and a better world. Customers are not just getting a clean home; they are supporting a community where every team member is respected, every job is done with pride, and every clean contributes to a healthier, happier planet.”
901 N. Broadway, White Plains, NY