April Is Autism Awareness Month

Asheville resources to help individuals with autism live independent lives

I am involved in the autism community because my daughter was diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum when she was 2 years old. Since that day, I have immersed myself in learning and finding resources for her. I am always trying to bring awareness and acceptance regarding autism because children with autism may think differently than a neurotypical child, but are no less than. Every child on the autism spectrum is unique.

There are different therapies children can receive to help them gain the tools they need as they get older. Our daughter receives ABA therapy at St. Gerard House in Hendersonville. ABA stands for applied behavior analysis, and this type of therapy incorporates the science of behavior analysis and learning with the goal of socially significant changes. ABA therapy helps individuals with autism function as independently as possible.

Last year I did my first fundraiser with the Autism Society, a national organization that helps families with resources they need through education, advocacy, support, information and referrals, and community programming.

Learn more and support autism through the many organizations in the Asheville area that provide services for the autism community, including:

Camps for Children with Autism

Recreational Outlets

A Movie Recommendation
For awareness, Temple Grandin is a great movie to watch. This film is a biopic of Temple, an autistic woman (played by Claire Danes) who becomes one of the top scientists in the humane livestock-handling industry.

Aisha Erber is a Biltmore Park resident and lives on Woodvine Road with her husband and daughter. Stephanie Corcoran, owner of The Little Gym in Gerber Village, sponsors Making A Difference.