Van Budde: A Young Dynamo Balancing Academics and Athletics

Nine-year-old Van Budde is an all-around athlete who balances his studies at Acton Academy with an active interest in lacrosse, basketball, and running.

Van shoots the basketball during a game

Five years ago, Van discovered the joy of basketball, and thankfully, he is surrounded by others who also enjoy the sport. When he is not tearing up the court at home with his parents and sister, you might find him in a group of neighborhood kids gathered for a rousing knockout game.

Two years later, Van was introduced to lacrosse when a neighbor shared his knowledge of the sport and gave Van a fiddle stick. Van quickly embraced lacrosse and found his place on a team. He thrills on the field by passing the ball back and forth and shooting into the goal. Last year, Van felt lucky to have his dad coach his lacrosse team, proudly declaring him his favorite mentor.

In addition to his prowess in basketball and lacrosse, Van is an accomplished runner whose speed improves every year. Running allows Van to compete against others but also against himself, as he constantly strives to beat personal records and delights in seeing his hard work pay off. Recently, his running team achieved remarkable success, earning a trophy at the state finals and securing Van a spot to race at nationals in Kentucky.

With his natural talent and competitive spirit, Van Budde will undoubtedly leave his mark on the sports world for years to come, continuing to find the fun in his athletic journey.