Meet the Happiest 4 Month Baby, Maverick Henry Hedden!

Age, school, and grade level?
15 weeks (4 months) as of May!

Favorite sports teams?
Any team his brothers play for - he is their biggest fan - so Tampa Catholic Crusaders Football team and Strictly Soccer Club team.

Sports and/or activities?
His brothers are working hard to get him to walk asap :) - and they hope to be playing soccer and football with him soon! He loves "talking", tummy time, sitting in his bouncer by the pool, napping (he's a pro), bath time (his favorite sport), staring at palm trees, taking walks, watching sporting events, reading books, dancing, singing, riding in cars, going on the boat, floating in the spa, playdates with other baby friends, going to the park, his two times a week he gets to spend time with Grammy Pammy, and spending time with family (we take him everywhere with us - he is SUCH a trooper)!

Musical instrument(s) you play or want to learn to play?
Rattles! He loves a good rattle. He has little rattles that go around his wrists and he makes amazing music with them  ;)

Something unique about you?
He is so sweet and special - he loves to be around people and will just become part of any mix he is in. He is so mellow yet full of smiles. He just loves to have a good time and goes with the flow!

Future Career and why?
Continuing to sleep through the night because he loves his parents SO much!

Where do you like to hang out and what do you like to do outside of school?
He loves to hang out with the family - he loves being outside! His usual spots are the park, a play mat, his bouncer, his crib, his highchair, or on the lap or in the arms of someone he loves!

LOVES to laugh and smile. Just talking to him is one of his favorite things - he will sit with us and have full-blown conversations for an hour - SO FUNNY! He just "talks" up a storm. He loves water - baths, ocean, bay, pool - just has to be hot - he hates being cold! He loves playing with his toys and holding hands.

Achievements? This is where you brag!!
Being born!!!! We prayed for this little guy for years - he is such a little gem!

Favorite Food/Restaurants?
Boobie Juice (what we call it :), milk, and just started trying whole food - blueberries, fish dip and hummus were his first foods.

Movie/Music Preferences?
He loves Jack Johnson, country and really anything with a good beat!

Favorite Vacations?
He went all over the world while he was in my tummy - but he just did his first staycation at the Don Cesar this past week and loved it! So since that is his only one that will be his favorite for now!

Funny story or memory?
His laugh is the cutest thing so we love finding things that will make him laugh - he loves little voices we make, he thinks it SO funny when clothes go over his head when he is getting dressed in the morning, and he just loves to laugh and have fun. Getting him to laugh is the best!

Anything else you'd like to share?
He was born on Jan 28, 2013, and has an older brother Trey Hedden (17yo - we call him Trey Trey) and Jackson Hedden (14yo and we call him Jack Jack). Mav is loving meeting other babies in the neighborhood so if you have a little one and would love to have a play date reach out! My cell phone is 727 637 3082. His mommy, daddy and big brothers love him so much!!!!