It's Just a Normal Part of the Aging Process

If you’ve ever heard these words, we need to talk. Every day, we see clients that are looking for ways to stay energized for the activities they enjoy, improve their sleep quality, minimize aches and pains, improve their mood, and move their overall health in a better direction. 

If you’ve ever felt like your energy isn’t what you’d like it to be, or maybe you’re struggling with being chronically tired, not feeling like your usual yourself or like you’re aging too quickly – we can help. Regardless of what you’ve previously been told – these symptoms are absolutely NOT a “normal part of the aging process!” 

Well Infused, a holistic spa for personal health enhancement, sees clients for these everyday basic health challenges and so much more. One of our most popular and introductory-level services that can benefit almost anyone is Intravenous (IV) Nutrition Therapy. This service involves the administration of a customized combination of fluids and vitamins directly into the bloodstream. Unlike taking vitamins and supplements orally, IV Therapy bypasses the digestive system, which in many cases isn’t as effective as we’d like in absorbing the products a person is taking. This fast-acting method of getting essential vitamins and minerals into the body typically means a person will experience quick results. 

IV Nutrition Therapy can be customized, and are often utilized for the following health concerns:
  • Chronic fatigue and low energy levels
  • Chronic joint pain and generalized inflammation
  • Brain fog or cognitive decline
  • Weakened immune system or difficulty recovering from illness
  • Digestive system symptoms including IBS, Crohn’s, colitis or general bloating or discomfort
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Allergies, sinus congestion and frequent colds
  • Hair loss, sagging skin, weak or brittle nails
The beauty of our holistic health spa is that regardless of your goals, we’ll ensure you’re getting care customized uniquely for you. Our team of skilled physicians, Nurse Practitioner, and nurses are interested in providing our clients with an exceptional experience and excellent results.

When you arrive at Well Infused, we’ll be sure to make you comfortable in our relaxing Salt Room. The room itself offers a variety of health benefits, the first of which is relaxation. Once you’re lounging in our chairs, your nurse will get your IV started and the vitamins flowing. We play relaxing music, and many clients will close their eyes and nap, while others bring a book to read. We’ll get you a bottle of water or cup of tea to enjoy during your 60-90 minute service.

Clients getting maximum benefits from IV Therapy will often experience this service every 3-6 weeks, though most notice results after a single session. IVs can be further customized based on functional labs, which are also offered at Well Infused.  Additional services available include Breast Thermography, Bioidentical Hormone Therapy (for men and women), Vitamin Injections and Regenerative Therapy. 

To schedule an IV Therapy Session, request more information or to schedule a complimentary phone consultation with our Nurse Practitioner, call 317-900-1633. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you, helping you feel less than your age and energized to function at your best!