
Family member names: Amy, Devin, my human sister Eden, and my fur brother Auggie
Your name:  Benny – although I also go by Benny Doodle, Floof, and Fluff 
Breed: Mini Bernedoodle
Male or female:  Male
Age:  I just turned 4 in February! 

Where are you from?  I came from Arrow T Pets in Fort Wayne, IN. It’s where my brother Auggie and our cousin Coco (grandma’s dog) came from too! My parents decided they wanted a dog, and I was just too cute to resist. 

Is there a story behind your name?  I’m named after Benny the Bull – the Chicago Bulls mascot. Dad is a huge fan!

What does your family love about you? My parents LOVE how smart and sassy I am. I can be a little skiddish with new people but I love to cuddle with my parents (and new baby sister) and LOVE to play in my yard. I could play with my frisbee for hours. I’m pretty good at catch, if I do say so myself. 

Any funny stories?  I’m an early bird just like my Dad so most mornings I will wake Mom up by either dropping a toy directly on her face or jumping on her while she’s still asleep. I love to tell her to WAKE UP IT’S TIME TO PLAY!  

How spoiled are you?  SO SPOILED!  The entire family loves to spoil me with long walks and treats from the Farmer’s Market.  I even have my own personal park at my grandparent’s house! I talk back to Mom and Dad too. I can be super sassy! I slap my paw on the table and tell them “arf!” when I want to go outside, or they’re late with my dinner. My parents also call me their “fluffy little weirdo” because I hate when people blow out candles and get mad when Mom coughs.  

Who are your best pet friends? We’re still meeting the other doggies in the neighborhood – my brother and I can be kind of shy, but we’re looking forward to really making Scarsdale our home for years and years to come.

"We got Benny when we were living in River North and he moved with us to Wicker Park (where we got our second dog, Auggie) and eventually Arlington Heights (where we had a baby). Throughout it all he’s been our fluffy buddy.  He’s a wonderful addition to our family, and I can’t imagine life without him." -Mom (Amy)