Archie Sluder

Family member names: Julie & Randy Sluder. Big brothers Miller and Quinn and Ritzy is a little French Bulldog sister 
Type of animal/breed: English Bulldog
Male or female: Male
Pet's age: 5 and a half

Where did you get Archie? An English Bulldog breeder in North Carolina
Is there a story behind his name: The second that we met him- Archie was the perfect fit. His nickname is Piggy or Big Papa

Anything special or unusual about him? Archie is the funniest, sweetest, quirkiest snuggle bug in the whole world! 
Any funny stories? Archie snorts like a piggy and LOVES carrots, cucumbers and bananas as treats! 

How spoiled is your pet? Archie loves to sunbathe outside! When we leave the house, he rides in a stroller or a car seat!