Publisher Note

Rachael Joy

Hello Rough Hollow! As the scorching days of August gradually give way to the much-anticipated month of September, we are thrilled to bring you the latest edition of YOUR neighborhood magazine.
First and foremost, we would like to extend a heartfelt appreciation to each and every one of you for making Rough Hollow the thriving and vibrant neighborhood it is today. Your active involvement, generosity, and commitment to fostering a strong sense of community continue to inspire us. We are fortuate to have such remarkable individuals and families that truly make it Austin’s premier community. In this edition, we have curated an array of engaging articles and features to pique your interest and keep you well-informed about the happenings within our community.
Lastly, we would like to express our gratitude to our incredible local businesses and sponsors for their unwavering support. Their contributions enable us to create a robust
and prosperous community, and we urge you to consider supporting these establishments whenever possible.
As always, we welcome your feedback, suggestions, and contributions. Your voices matter, and we are committed to ensuring that this magazine remains a true reflection of our community’s interests and aspirations. Drop us a line at
So sit back in your favorite chair hopefully in the A/C, and let’s take a Stroll through this issue of Stroll Rough Hollow!

Joel McDow

Staff and Resident Contributors
Emily Eyob
Content Director

Alicia Sparkman

Ashlie Dulien
Resident Writer — Resident Recipe

Debra Sussman
Resident Writer — Healthy Minds

Jamie Saverin
Resident Writer

Rachael Joy
Resident Writer — Beauty and Wellness

Eleni Abendschein
Resident Contributor

Scott Fortier 
Resident Contributor

Jocelyn Fary-Holzwarth
Resident Contributor