Pickerel Pond

Go south on Long Pond Road (2.9 miles from Exit 7) then take a right
into Lunn's Way. (Ponds of Plymouth) . At 2 nd stop sign turn left onto
Raymond Road (no street name sign here). Take your second left onto
Beatrice Ave. Take first right onto Tadpole Lane. Then left again onto
Pioneer Trail. At the end of the cul-de-sac, just before 87 Pioneer Trail,
you will see Wildlands Trust signs on trees to the right. Park there
Approximate GPS address: 87 Pioneer Trail Plymouth, MA
Features: Pickerel Pond, Triangle Pond, Little Herring Pond. Bogs,
David E. Alper Nature Preserve. All the land around the pond is owned
by The Wildlands Trust. The bog area is privately owned.

3.3 miles, about 2 hrs. some hills.

Start the hike by the rocks on the right of the cul-de-sac, next to the
driveway of 85 Pioneer Trail. Go around the rocks and start to
descent towards the pond. The trail narrows near the pond but
continues around the pond and reemerges near the parking area. You
can now proceed about 2/3 around the cul-de-sac and get onto the trail
just left of 86 Pioneer Trail. Follow the trail till you get to a T. Turn
right (the trail on the left is a dead end but you can explore.). Follow
Little Herring Pond Road till you can make a left down the hill towards
Little Herring Pond. Then meander along the pond. Make a left when
the trail turns up to the houses. This is a nice trail to the pond brook.
Now turn around and, make a right when you can, and then head up the
steep hill to the left. This emerges at the entrance to the Alper
Preservation. Turn right. At the first junction, about 1/3 mile, stay left.
Follow it to Triangle Pond shore. Now go left again and stay on the
trail till you come to a dirt road (paved in the future?) Look for a trail a
foot or so on the right going north from where you came. The trail
gradually turns east. At the next junction take a trail left/northwest.
Follow it till it comes to a T with the trail around Pickerel Pond. Turn
right, and follow it to the end. Now walk up the dirt road and emerge
by the cars.
