7:40 Club

Why Do They Walk?

Every weekday a group of men gather on the Promenade departing on their usual three mile
walk at exactly 7:40 AM. It’s a fair question to ask- why do they bother to get up early and
walk in almost any kind of weather? You’d think if they were up and out at that hour they
would hit the fitness center for an early workout- or perhaps rush off to tennis, pickleball or
golf. Instead these men gather for more than physical activity- although that is important at
our advancing age. Exercise is only part of it. Fellowship is the icing on the exercise cake.
Lee Schofield started the group 10 years ago, noting- “The women seemed to be having a
good time walking- at 7:30. Why not give men the same opportunity?”. And so Lee began
the 740 Ciub with George Leahy and Fred Rocke as charter members. The little group
slowly grew to over a dozen walkers on most days in the winter season.
Lee noted “Enjoying friendly banter and conversation isn’t just for the women- men too want
to share a joke, comment on the goings on at Pelican or ask for advice. There is always an
expert opinion from these men coming from various backgrounds and interests. He adds
“There are other benefits. Walking about in the preserve and alongside lakes, flow-ways, and
golf holes is pretty special. We are very lucky to have all of this in our community”.
Lee described the walks- “We walk past the butterfly garden, into the preserve and out again
to head for the main bridge on Pelican Blvd. Did I mention it’s not all about the exercise?
This is not a speed walking group- a leisurely pace is preferred”. In fact, there are two official
stops- one in the heart of the preserve and one at the main bridge on Pelican Preserve Blvd.
Back at the Promenade, many stick around for coffee and more conversation at the outdoor
Yes, you can get exercise many ways- but our 740 Club offers the conversation that is
generally missing from an exercise routine. Where else can you learn about eating monkey
brain soup in China, get a history lesson on the Declaration of Independence, discuss the
mating habits of barred owls, learn about the escape routes from East Germany in post
World War II, talk about shark encounters while scuba diving in the Keys, get information
about current T-bond rates, discuss bear encounters in Oregon and elk encounters in
Minnesota, or learn about the tensile strength of piping installed in Pelican homes- and still
get some exercise?
Newcomers are welcome to drop by and join our 740 Club. Come by at 730 to introduce
yourself. You will be greeted by a truly friendly and caring group of men who just happen to
like conversation along with their exercise. Lee adds- “This is a great way to meet people
and strike up a friendship”. Lee adds- ”And there’s no fee, no sign ups, and no waiting lists-
you can’t beat that”.