
The St. Bernard

My name is Brutus and I am a 10 week old St. Bernard puppy in love with my new family, Sara Jane, Mark, Sebastian (6) and Wolfy (8) Kogelmann.    

I was born in Kinsman, Ohio.     My family had a St. Bernard named Burt, who had passed, and they felt a void not having the energy that a St. Bernard can bring to a household.   When they came to get me, it was love at first sight.    I weigh 45 lbs., I will probably take after my canine parents and will probably weigh 140 or so. I am really smart for my age.   I already know how to sit and give my paw.    Also, I learned how to climb up onto the beds; one of my many favorite places to nap! 

One day I made my family laugh when I got into a tussle with the brush they clean the grill with! I couldn’t help it, it got in my way and I had to let it know who the boss was!     Something else I learned quick was where the treat drawer is!!   I’m a growing boy; I need my yummies!!       

From what I’ve heard, St. Bernard’s are the sweetest breeds of dogs.     I know that must be true because I just love my new family and want to be involved in everything they do!       I love cuddling and watching a movie with them! 

One morning the boys were getting dressed for school and Wolfy put on his shirt but couldn’t find his pants.     I had dragged them all around the room.    They finally found them and weren’t even upset!      I just am the perfect pet!!     I can do no wrong!       I am looking forward to getting to know my family more and more as time goes on.   Life is so good!    I couldn’t be happier!!