Meet Giulia

The Well-Known and Well--Loved Siberian Husky!

Ciao Giulia, can you tell us your origin story?  I came to live with the gentleman John Katz when I was 3 years old. Now I’m 12 and can report enjoying every minute of life at our distinguished residence on McCommas Boulevard. I send my thanks to the Texas Husky Rescue for keeping me safe until Mr. Katz’ arrival.

What is the story behind your breed? Huskies originated in NE Asia, Siberia to be exact, and were bred as endurance sled dogs. We can famously go long distances in subzero weather due to our super thick double coat, perfect medium build, and love of running. When we got to Alaska, they named us after our new owners, the Eskimos, or “Eskies” as they were once known.  

Our breed had a meteoric rise to fame in 1925 when we saved Nome, Alaska from a deadly outbreak of diphtheria which was ravaging the country.  The remote town was frozen in and completely inaccessible due to minus 40 degree temperatures - and they were completely out of the antitoxin serum for diphtheria. The authorities quickly pivoted and established a relay team of canines and mushers.  The courageous teams of humans and huskies traversed 658 miles in 5 days in extreme temperatures, delivering the life-saving vials of medicine to the town of Nome. I guess you could say, not only did we save the day, but we saved the City.

Favorite Activities? Far and away what I look forward to the most is our daily sojourn to Glencoe Park. There Mr. Katz and I take our walks around the park – 4 laps in agreeable weather and 2 when Texas turns up the heat. Afterwards, we take our seat at our designated bench and spend an hour or so greeting the passers-by. I don’t care to play fetch – if some well-meaning soul throws me a ball, I make Mr. Katz retrieve it.

What are you known for, Giulia?  I am so very fond of people and so very friendly towards others that I have come to be known as ‘The Queen of Glencoe.’ It’s a right fine title that I gladly accept.  I’m sure Mr. Katz is in the process of procuring my crown.

Any amusing stories?  Mr. Katz says that I’m responsible for his social life. But I think the clever T Shirts he makes also aide in his social status.  I’m particularly fond of the one that says, “Get me the Manager.”  People at the park can’t wait to see what the T Shirt of the Day will say.  If ­I had a TShirt, it would say, “I never have a bad day” – because I don’t. They say it’s good to live in the moment and I can say with confidence that I have perfected the art.