Count Down...

Moana Pool Update

As we gear up for winter’s arrival, our top priority is closing up the Moana Springs Aquatic & Fitness Center. If you happen to stroll by, you can’t miss the large strides we’ve made this month. The natatorium spaces have received almost all of the 70 precast concrete panels that will wrap and insulate the building. Some of these hefty panels tip the scales at over 20,000 pounds, demanding the skillful touch of our fantastic building partners. In addition, our exterior framing is racing toward the finish line, and the interior framing is making steady headway. With framing nearly done and our precast walls firmly in place, it’s time to start measuring and installing the glass to seal up the building. Wrapping up the building façade just as Winter knocks on our door is no walk in the park, but it’s absolutely vital to keep the momentum going strong throughout the season. To keep up to date with Moana Pool go to the following website: