Hardy Vacationers Become Locals

By Pat Sabiston, Contributing Writer

Before moving here, Laurie and Bill Hardy had a “history” on Panama City Beach. “My mother discovered the area, and we spent many summers here vacationing,” said Bill. “But after Mom became a widow, her health began to deteriorate, and I had to make frequent trips here to take care of her.” It was then that Laurie and Bill had to assess their current lifestyle up north.
By 2015 they had become empty nesters and were done with the dreariness of New York State winters. “We lived in Fairport outside of Rochester, New York, so just add the word ‘snow’ and we’d had enough!” said Laurie. So, they became permanent locals.

By her own accord, Laurie had lived a confined life. “My father was disabled, and until he passed away, I was not going to leave. In Fairport, I opened an in-home daycare to be home with our three children and then taught Kindergarten/1st Grade for seventeen years. But when we moved here, I knew I needed a different career and as a Realtor, God brings people to me. I take care of them just as I cared for my students, with special care and concern.”
Laurie and Bill had been high school sweethearts, even going through puberty together. One of their greatest accomplishments was raising three tremendous adults… Kaitlin, Meghan, and Cosmo.

Initially, they settled in Wild Heron, but then life took an interesting turn. In early 2020, daughter Kait was eight months pregnant and living in Buffalo, NY. Covid cases were running rampant all around the couple, so there was concern as to whether there would be enough hospital beds for her delivery. So Kait and Dan drove through the night to Bay County. A week later her water broke, and she gave birth to grandson Milo, but he was diagnosed with a heart abnormality. This is where Laurie and Bill credit their faith in God.

Kait and Dan decided to make Panama City Beach their new home. “Had they not moved to Panama City Beach, who knows what would have happened?” Bill said. “We immediately reached out to our medical network and surgery was scheduled in Gainesville with an amazing physician. We felt the entire way, we were walking with God.”

With Laurie’s expertise as a Realtor, she soon found two properties only nine houses apart in Bay Point, and both families moved in. With Kait and Dan so close by, the Hardy's can stop in each night to tell their grandchildren Milo and Remi Good Night.

Bill has continued his career with Xerox, which he began in New York, but also oversees many investment properties he shares with his mother. Laurie recently became a partner in Counts Real Estate. In addition to family time, the couple enjoys what many of us believe makes Panama City Beach so unique: “The people are just so genuine and nice, always looking out for each other,” Bill said. “There’s a true sense of community.” Laurie talked about their interests outside of work. “We are big into boating, fishing, yoga, music and recently joined a walk/run group in Bay Point.”

But they are most proud of their family. “I am proud of our marriage, having grown up together and having done a good job raising our children without a manual,” she said with a laugh. Bill finished with their faith statement: “As Catholics, our religion is our foundation and we have found a wonderful faith community at St. John the Evangelist. Most of all, we thank God for all our blessings.”