Meet Knox

A 1-Year Old Aussiedoodle

What's the story behind his name? Knox - A.K.A. Knoxie Doodle, Noodle, Noodle Fresh was named after Dawson Knox of the Buffalo Bills, and my grandmother whose maiden name was Knox.

Special talents: Knox is a very accomplished shoe thief! Fortunately, he only likes to carry them around and doesn't eat them. Unfortunately, I spend lots of time looking for the other shoe!

Favorite game/toy: Knox loves tug of war and spending time with his stuffies. Although not a game he loves to go for walks and is relentless about reminding us when it's time!

Quirks: Knox herds us as if we are his sheep. 

Favorite treats: He loves the dried liver bits.

How spoiled is Knox? On a 1-10 scale, about 1,000.

How has Knox enriched our lives? Knox brings joy, love, and purpose to each day. We are grateful he is part of the family!