Meet Bella Blue

Family member names: Scott & Maeva, grandsons Myles, Nolan and Colton frequent visitors. 2 cats, Tabby and Mignon.
Pet’s name: Bella Blue
Type of animal/breed: Golden Retriever
Male or female: Female
Pet’s age:7

Where/why did you get your pet? We had just lost our beautiful rescue dog Cinnamon who had lived to be 17 1/2. The house seemed so empty without her lovely spirit we decided on a new family member.

Is there a story behind her name? As a pup, people would just come up and pledge "undying love" for this beautiful creature!  

Anything special or unusual about her (talents/quirks)?
Some of her favorite people are the delivery men, each one is for her and she gets plenty of love and treats from each! People often ask if we are afraid she will run away, but we assure them she is home to stay! She travels so well she has been to Canada & 5 other states!  She wants to give hugs to every human she meets! Bella is a Golden retriever ambassador!

What do you like best about your pet?
How well trained she is. We can take her anywhere with us and she is an excellent dog citizen! Once we took her to a restaurant where she was lying next to me and at the end of dinner she sat up, the waitress says, "Did you have a dog here the entire dinner? "

Any funny stories?
Bella loves to chase snowballs and rocks in the ocean! She gets so excited when it is cold and the snow starts to fall! This is her favorite winter time activity! Beach time is also amazing as we toss stones in the river or ocean and Bella chases them, splashing all the way!

How spoiled is your pet?
Fairly, but we insist on "4 on the floor" as she is an 80# dog she is not allowed on furniture. She does get her monthly "spa day" and a bit of Boar's head, but as we watch what she eats not too much human food. Bella runs errands with mom all the time and that is when she is happy and content!