I Made a Resolution! Now What?

Quick Guide to Mastering Habit Permanence

Developing good habits is a cornerstone of maintaining overall health and wellness. In our daily lives, a staggering 70% of our actions are dictated by habits.  These habits, unlike reflexes, are learned behaviors, shaped through our brain's remarkable adaptability known as neuroplasticity. Understanding the formation and sustainability of habits is pivotal for achieving enduring health objectives.
Our goals typically fall into two categories: goal-based and identity-based. Setting a specific target, such as committing to running three times a week, is categorized as goal-based. Conversely, linking a habit to a broader self-concept, like aiming for fitness to enhance overall health, falls into the identity-based category. Identifying this distinction not only categorizes habits but also aligns them with our deeper motivations, providing a more secure anchor for their establishment.
Contrary to the popular belief that it takes 21 days to form a habit, scientific studies reveal a wide range, spanning from 18 days to as long as 254 days. The process involves gradually increasing the frequency and duration of a behavior, starting small and persisting with patience and consistency. Leveraging established habits from an existing routine significantly aids in incorporating new habits. For instance, if maintaining a regular bedtime routine, leveraging it to wake up earlier for exercise can boost success in establishing a new routine.
Dopamine, often termed the "feel-good" hormone in the brain, significantly contributes to habit formation. A successful strategy to extend habits involves utilizing dopamine release during moments of heightened energy and focus, aligning with natural spikes in dopamine levels. Studies highlight the significance of mindset over specific timing in forming new habits. Rather than waiting for perfect conditions, initiating work on the new habit is advisable. While consistency is key in establishing habits, flexibility proves crucial for long-term success.  Adaptability strengthens habits, making them more resilient against disruptions and external influences we encounter daily.
To foster the sustainability of resolutions and the successful development of new habits, several key steps are pivotal:
  1. Mindset Preparation: Envision the benefits of integrating the habit into your life.
  2. Leverage Strong Habits: Use existing routines as a foundation for establishing new habits.
  3. Capitalize on Focus and Energy: Choose moments when you feel energized and focused to work on forming the new habit.
  4. Embrace Flexibility: Make the habit adaptable and resilient against unforeseen disruptions.
  5. Seek Support: Share your new goal with a trusted individual who can provide encouragement.
  6. One Step at a Time: Focus on daily progress rather than fixating on how long it takes for the habit to feel ingrained. Remember, habits aren't just about achieving a goal; they shape who you become throughout the journey to wellness.
Here's to the rewarding path of building lasting habits and achieving your resolutions!  Embark on your journey with confidence and determination – you've got this!