Ziggy Stardust

A Story of Rescue, Resilience, and Unconditional Love

My favorite toy


My name is Ziggy Stardust Russell.  The black marking on my right eye made my parents think of David Bowie’s alter ego.  They say I’m a border collie mix.  My mom also likes to say I’m part panda (but we know that’s not true).
They think I’ve been around for about 9 years but I don’t feel that old.  The truth is nobody really knows who I am, how old I am, or where I came from. 

My family’s dog, Charlie, passed away in 2017.  A year later, they were open to getting another one but they weren’t really shopping around. It’s as if they were just waiting for me to fall into their lap. 

So there I was, abandoned in an upscale neighborhood in San Antonio.  I didn’t know where to go, so I just sat in one yard for three days.  A nice lady kept trying to get me inside but I did not trust people at the time.  Finally, I was starving so I went into the house to eat.  The lady bathed me, took me to the vet, and then tried to find me a home.  She sent out a picture of this skinny, timid (yet strikingly handsome) dog and when my grandma saw me, she knew exactly where I needed to go.  She sent a picture of me to her family in Austin and before I knew it, I had a new home!

It is possible that I was beaten in my younger days and I initially had trouble bonding with my dad.  Once, he let me off the leash and I ran away.  He sprinted after me for about a mile and ended up catching me.  That’s when I knew he cared. The next time I ran away, I circled the block, came right back home and never left since. I don’t even leave the yard unless I’m on a walk.  From time to time, I have seizures, which I can’t help but think led to my abandonment.  Luckily, my new family got me medicine that helps to control them. 

Not to brag but I am a very sweet dog. I’m pretty mellow but I’ll perk up for food and walks.  I am cool around other dogs and friendly with humans.  People love to touch me because I am so soft but that’s fine.  I really, really love belly rubs.   I only bark when someone’s at the door.  I am very protective of my family.  I patrol everyone’s bedrooms at night and take turns snuggling with my human brothers.    The two things that make me nervous are thunderstorms and when the suitcases come out.  I don’t really have any unique talents other than being able to understand English.  I’m great at following commands, unlike my brother, Leo.  He is a 3-year-old Australian Sheppard.  We play quite a bit and I’d like to think I’m teaching him to be a good dog but the jury is still out on that.

I am so lucky to have found this family.  The love and care they give me is overwhelming. The adversity of my early life made me stronger and put me on the path that led me to where I am today.   I show my appreciation every day and don’t take a minute for granted.   

Regards, Ziggy