Policing the Village of Asharoken

Community oriented policing here in our neighborhood since 1925

we will have a caption with 14 names here during edit

The Asharoken Police Department, a cornerstone of our community since its inception in 1925, is poised to celebrate a remarkable milestone next year —its centennial anniversary. For nearly a century, this integral institution has played a vital role in ensuring the safety and well-being of our residents. In the context of our quaint community, the local police force fosters a unique bond with our residents that goes beyond the conventional law enforcement relationship.

Despite its modest size, the Asharoken Police Department stands out as a well-trained and highly efficient organization. Currently, the department comprises an Officer-in-Charge, three dedicated full-time police officers, and a complement of part-time officers. This lean and focused team collaborates seamlessly with the fire department and Suffolk County services in the broader Northport area, exemplifying the spirit of inter-agency cooperation.

One of the community's proudest achievements is the consistently low crime rate, a testament to the department's commitment to effective enforcement and community engagement. Asharoken Village is widely recognized as one of the safest and most crime-free locales on Long Island, a distinction earned through the tireless efforts of the police force.

In addition to its crime prevention efforts, the Asharoken Police Department has proven its value in responding to disasters and weather-related challenges, particularly those posed by storms in the Northeast. With extensive experience in handling emergencies, the department stands ready to protect and serve, further solidifying its status as an invaluable asset to our community. As we approach the centennial celebration, we reflect not only on the department's rich history but we are also grateful for its ongoing dedication to safeguarding the welfare of our residents.