Bookworms Unite: APS Fifth Graders Exploring Literary Worlds

Bookworms - the winning team (Nolan Burtel, Morgan Dickens, Vivian Kaebnick, and Jack Bernardi)

Congratulations to the victorious fifth-grade team, the Bookworms, at Anchorage Public School's "Battle of the Books" event! The team was made up of: Nolan Burtel, Morgan Dickens, Vivian Kaebnick, and Jack Bernardi. The Battle of the Books serves as a voluntary reading incentive program for students in grades three and above.

Since last fall, APS's fifth-graders formed teams and collectively delved into 17 books per team in preparation for the competition. Battles of the Books ensued within classrooms as teams pitted their knowledge against each other until only the final eight teams remained. The ultimate showdown occurred in February, where teams earned points by answering questions about the books on the reading list. Congratulations to all participants, and a big round of applause to the teachers for promoting reading through such an enjoyable activity!