Barre3 Strikes a chord with fitness enthusiasts

Discover Why Barre3 Is More Than a Workout—It's a Positive Lifestyle and Supportive Community

barre3 Gilbert-Epicenter is receiving glowing reviews, and it's no surprise why. Members like Mellisa Nuclo rave about the lower impact yet effective workouts that make falling in love with fitness a joy. The sense of community is a cherished bonus, making each class not just a workout but a weekly highlight. Melissa Methven echoes the sentiment, praising Barre3 for its positive atmosphere, holistic approach, and diverse class options. As these testimonials pour in, it's clear that Barre3 is more than a fitness destination—it's a lifestyle that nurtures both body and mind.

Absolutely fell in love with Barre because of the lower impact movements but also getting an amazing workout! The community is also an incredible bonus. :) Love my weekly classes!!
Kelly Shaw

Love Barre3! Great community and amazing workout!  
Supportive community, effective workouts, and personalized attention—my local gym rocks!
Mellisa Nuclo

I love the workouts and community at the barre3 Gilbert-Epicenter! It is a such a positive atmosphere for overall health. Not only does it provide a full body workout but also incorporates breath work and stretching. It is excellent for the mind and body!
Melissa  Methven

Local fitness gem—dynamic classes, positive vibes, and supportive instructors. Love it!
Ashleigh  D

As a devoted member of Barre3, I can't help but add my enthusiastic voice to the list of fans. What initially drew me in was the welcoming vibe and referral of a friend from the original location in Chandler. The sense of community helps with accountability and keeps me motivated to go regularly.  I love how I see multiple generations side by side, welcoming people of all sizes and ages. The tailored and intentional classes have allowed me to witness a positive shift in my fitness levels, making Barre3 feel like a fitness journey I can continue to pursue for many decades. It is a true gem in our community. 
Holly Warner